May 2022 Newsletter

May 2022 Newsletter

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, May 11

6:30 to 8:30 PM

McCallum Room, 4th floor

Frisco Public Library

6101 Frisco Square Blvd.

Frisco, TX 75034

Mark your calendar for May 11 at 6:30-8:30 PM. Look forward to seeing you then!

All are welcome to attend Write Club meetings….no formal invitation needed. Write Club meeting information can be found on the Frisco Library web site and on the club's Facebook page (Frisco Write Club). Additionally, every month, in advance of the meeting, Rich Blazevich ( will send an invitation by email to the active members.

Anybody who has attended a Write Club meeting is automatically subscribed to our newsletters. At the top of each newsletter is a notice of our next meeting.

Our Website:

Please visit our website, run by Kevin Mann, for updates and announcements.

Our Facebook Page: Frisco Write Club | Groups | Facebook

May Meet

Gary Thornberry will be the presenter for May. Here’s a preview of his topic.

Do you want to improve your writing? There are a variety of editing tools available within Microsoft Word. Use these free tools first. Your beta readers will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

The second set of tools includes third-party Word “add-in” programs such as Grammarly, PerfectIt, ProWritingAid, and WordRake. I will demonstrate this software and share information about other editing programs. I will also provide handouts.

Bring a USB key to class with some of your writing (Word file) on it, and we’ll run your work through WordRake.

Bill Etter is graciously offering to allow us to borrow from his personal collection of writing books. Arrive early to check out a book or two from the Write Club’s lending library on the craft of writing.

All Members prepare critiques for May presenters. Go to our website, to download the submissions to read and reviewed this month.

Library News

New Library Updates | Frisco Public Library (

The new library’s projected opening is for the fall of 2022. Fall begins September 22 and ends December 21, so the opening should be during that time. Follow the link to see the renderings of the new library.

The Frisco Library Flash Fiction Contest ended on April 30. I hope the Write Club will have another winner this year.

Also, just a reminder, Sisters in Crime North Dallas is having a book signing for the recently published 2021 Anthology, "Malice in Dallas." The book signing will be on May 11, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at J. Theodores in Frisco. J. Theodores used to be Bonnie Ruth's. It's in the shopping center at Lebanon and the Toll Road, Frisco, Texas. Sisters in Crime North Dallas meets at the Frisco Library. Check the Frisco Library website for dates and times.

Writing Hints from The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression

Men and women experience and express emotions differently. When writing a character of the opposite sex, get a second opinion if needed to ensure a character’s reactions, thoughts, and feelings are authentic. (My note-This is where your critique group can help.)

Smell triggers memory. Take advantage of this sense and build olfactory description into the scene. This will draw readers in and make them feel part of the action. (My note-I’ve heard you should try to incorporate a smell a page.)

Choose each setting with deliberate care. Each location should symbolize something to your main character, and have an impact (positive or negative) on their psyche coming into the scene.

Contests Without Entry Fees

15-20K word count:

The Wolfe Pack Black Orchid Award. Genre: Mystery novellas in the style of Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe novellas. Manuscript length: 15K-20K words. Prize: $1,000, plus recognition and publication in a forthcoming issue of AAMM. Deadline: May 31, 2022.

Exactly 100 words:

The Drabble Harvest Contest. Genre: Drabble on theme of “Space Junk.” A “drabble” is defined as a short story containing exactly precisely no more and no fewer than 100 words. It has a title, which can be from 1 to 15 words — but no more than 15. Prize: $5. Deadline: May 31, 2022.

Must be 100 words or less:

Here's another link for our writers: These are to be true stories that will make you smile or laugh. They pay $100 for 100-word (or less) true stories. This contest was suggested by Donna Anderson.


Becky Ross Michael has a story Dinner for Two, published in UP Reader, an annual publication published by UPAA.

Jeanette Smith was published by Glassworks Magazine this month.

At last month’s meeting, Jeanette said she’d submitted 36 times this year. Another reason to keep those submissions going out. We’ve seen her name linked to published works several times this year.

How many of you submitted this month? That’s a success!

I know the following people submitted something this month: Donna Anderson, Mona Hover, Becky Ross Michael, and Linda Baten Johnson. Kevin Carlos submitted two stories this month.

Linda Baten Johnson signed a contract with Barbour for a cozy mystery set in Maine at a food truck court. Her title will be Lethal Spuds.

Presentation Format for Members Presenting Work for Critique:

  1. Writers: Send your document to Jennifer Evans at prior to the meeting which include the following:

    • title of your document

    • your name

    • your email address (optional)

    • Add line numbers to your document (Go to Layout, then Line Numbers, then Continuous)

    • Limit your document to 500 words (approx. 2 pages) for time constraints. Each reader will be given 10 minutes to present and receive feedback.

  2. Jennifer will post documents to this Google Drive folder.

  3. Critiquers may download documents, make comments, and provide feedback during the meeting.

  4. Critiquers may send comments to writers who provide their email address.

  5. If the writer doesn’t provide an email address, critiquers may send edited doc to Jennifer who will forward to author.

  6. Find additional information about critiques on our website.

Blogs from Our Members

President: Rich Blazevich

Secretary, Newsletter: Linda Baten Johnson

Vice President, Social Media: Kevin Mann (this role includes Write Club web page, Google Docs and Facebook)

Vice President, Critiques: Jennifer Evans

Presidents Emeritus: Gary Thornberry, Fergal O'Donnell

*Other contributors: Zoom meetings: Donna Anderson, Facebook administrator: Ari Frick