Lending Library

  1. Look over the below list and select a book you would like to borrow

  2. Send the request to "bill@etter.us

  3. Bill will bring the book to the next Frisco Writer's Club Monthly Meeting

  4. Enjoy the book for a month and return it at the next Meeting

Frisco Writer's Group Library

Title - Author - Publisher - Pages

  1. Turabian, Kate - Univ of Chicago Press (3rd Edit) - 157

  2. 265 Troubleshooting Strategies - Clouse, Barbara - McGraw-Hill - 171

3 . 14,000 Quips and Quotes for Writers - McKenzie, EC - Greenwich House - 581

4. Anatomy of Story - Truby, John - Farrar, Straus and Giroux - 424

5. Art of Dramatic Writing - Egri, Lajos - imon and Schuster - 312

6. Beginnings, Middles and Ends - Kress, Nancy - Writers Digest - 143

7. Beyond the Writers Workshop - Bly, Carol - Anchor Books - 353

8. Bluepring for Screenwriting - Ballon, Rachel - Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc - 166

9. Character and Conflict - Axelrod, Mark - Heinemann - 122

10. Character and Viewpoint - Cart, Orsen - Writers Digest - 173

11. Characters, Emotion and Viewpoint - Kress, Nancy - Writers Digest - 222

12. Conflict, Action and Suspense - Noble, William - Writers Digest1- 181

13. Creating Character Emotions - Hood, Ann - Story Press - 161

14. Description - Wood. Monica - Writers Digest - 168

15. Description and Settling - Rozelle, Ron - Writers Digest - 195

16. Dialogue - Kempton, Gloria - Writer's Digest Books - 226

17. Dictionary of Allusions - Webber & Feinsilber - Miriam Webster - 592

18/ Elements of Narrative Nonfiction - Rubie, Peter - Quill Driver Books - 279

19. Elements of Story - Flaherty, Francis - Harper Collins - 274

20. Emotional Structure-Guide for Screenwriters - Dinne, Peter - Quill Driver Books - 398

21. First Five Pages - Lukeman, Noah - Simon and Schuster - 197

22. Follow the Story - Stewart, James - Simon and Schuster - 370

23. Getting It Published - Germano, William - Univ of Chicago Press - 207

24. Good Writing and Grammar - Freeman, Morton - Writer's Digest Books - 289

25. Guide to Book Publishers - Herman, Jeff - The Writer Books (2005 Edit) - 910

26. Guide to Good Writing - Manser, Martin - Checkmark Books - 282

27. Hero with a Thousand Faces, The - Campbell, Joseph - Barnes and Noble - 391

28. How to Be Your Own Literary Agent - Curtis, Richard - Houghton Mifflin - 294

29. How to Write a Book Proposal - Larsen, Michael - Writer's Digest Books (3rd Edit) - 276

30. How to Write what You Want And Sell What You Write - Press, Skip - Barnes and Noble - 260

31. Keep it Real - Gutkind. Lee (Edit) - W. W. Norton & C0. - 167

32. Make a Scene - Rosenfield, Jordan - Writer's Digest Books - 271

33. Making the Perfect Pitch - Sands, Katherine - The Writer Books - 283

34. Novelist's Boot Camp - Stone, Todd - Writer's Digest - 306

35. Plot - Dibell, Ansen - Writers Digest - 163

36. Plot and Structure - Bell, James - Writers Digest - 222

37. Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction - Highsmith, Patricia - St Martin's Griffin - 145

38. Power Screenwriting - Walker, Michael - Lone Eagle - 265

39. Publicize Your Book - Deval, Jacqueline - Perigee - 297

40. Quick Tips for Better Business Writing - Blake, Gary - McGraw-Hill - 178

41. Revision & Self-Editing - Bell, James - Writer's Digest Books - 262

42. Rewrite - Chitlik, Paul - Michael Wiese Productions - 164

43. Savvy Author's Guide to Book Publicity - Warren, Lissa - Carroll & Graff - 242

44. Scene and Structure - Bickham, Jack - Writers Digest - 130

45. Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds - Hauge, Michael - Michael Wiese Productions - 171

46. Story Grid - Coyne, Shawn - Black Irish - 333

47. Thinking Like Your Editor - Rabiner & Fortunato - WW Norton - 268

48. Writing Clinic - Nickell, Kelly (Edit) - Writer's Digest Books - 238

49. Writing the Breakout Novel - Maass, Donald - Writer's Digest Books - 259