2021 July Newsletter

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, July 21

6:45 to 8:45 PM


Frisco Public Library Group

6101 Frisco Square Blvd.

Frisco, TX 75034

Our next meeting is July, 21 2021 at 6:45 pm via Zoom. “Doors” open at

6:30. Look forward to seeing you then!

All are welcome to attend Write Club meetings....no formal invitation needed.

Write Club meeting information can be found on the Frisco Library web site and

on the club's Facebook page (Frisco Write Club). Additionally, every month, in

advance of the meeting, Fergal O'Donnell (fergalod@hotmail.com) will send an

invitation by email to the active members.

Rich Blazevich <richblazevich@gmail.com>

Write Club

1 message

Frisco Public Library <FriscoLibrary@cityoffriscotx.com> Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Reply-To: Frisco Public Library <FriscoLibrary@cityoffriscotx.com>

To: Rich <richblazevich@gmail.com>

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Anybody who has attended a Write Club meeting is automatically subscribed to

our newsletters. At the top of each newsletter is a notice of our next meeting.

Change of Time and Place

Our meeting date will be the second Wednesday of each month.

We will meet in the McCallum Room on the fourth floor.

These changes will begin in August with that meeting being a hybrid in-

person/Zoom meeting. Mark your calendar for August 11 at 6:45 – 8:45 PM.

Change of Officers

A note from Fergal

After discussion and deliberation, I am proposing the following as the new Write

Club committee for the coming year:

President: Rich Blazevich

Secretary: Linda Baten Johnson

Vice President, Social Media: Kevin Mann (this role includes Write Club

web page, Google Docs and Facebook)

Vice President, Critiques: Jennifer Evans

Presidents Emeritus: Gary Thornberry, Fergal O'Donnell

**Other contributors

Zoom meetings: Donna Anderson

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Backup Facebook administrator: Ari Frick

Reminders and Requests

Send Fergal (fergalod@hotmail.com) your email address so you can be

registered with the library who distributes the newsletters for our group.

This will change to Rich (richblazevich@gmail.com) next month.

Send your writing suggestion to lindabjohnson357@gmail.com. Your

healthy writing may help fellow members. Feel free to submit more than

one idea.

Our Website: FriscoWriteClub.org

Our Facebook Page: Frisco Write Club | Groups | Facebook

Shared Writing Hint from Jan Angley

Try new things. I’ve been learning Book Brush for making covers, and

posts for social media. You can start off with the free program, then move

up to paid accounts if you like the idea. I followed advice from the

YouTube videos and learned how to do it. I’m not a computer techie!

Book Brush - Ads & Social Media Images for Authors

DFWCon is back!

October 23-24, 2021 at Hurst Conference Center

Dallas Fort Worth Writers Conference, also known as DFWCon, is a program of

the DFW Writers’ Workshop, a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that

specializes in helping writers improve their work and has been operating since


DFWCon is the premier multi-genre writers’ conference in the Southwest which

includes: includes:

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a top-notch educational program

hands-on workshops

access to literary agents and editors from around the country

opportunities to grow your professional network


Becky Ross Michael has 4 Fairy Tale Poems for Young Kids on the

Empowered Parents website.

This is how they’re being promoted: Delight your kids with these entertaining

fairy tale poems about familiar characters and creatures. Jack, Pinocchio,

Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood have their stories retold in these awesome

fairy tale nursery rhymes, written by Becky Ross Michael. Reading these to

your children is great for building listening skills, comprehension and language.


Linda Baten Johnson’s newest e-book, A Christmas Card for Krista, is

available for pre-order. Official release date is October 25.

Donna Anderson received complimentary copies of the Chicken Soup for

the Soul book.

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Here's an Opportunity for You!

The Writers’ Mastermind is holding a short story contest for writers of all levels

and all genres. Entry is free.

1st prize – $100 Amazon Gift Card or Cash and a free spot in the Writers’

Mastermind for 6 months.

2nd prize – $50 Amazon Gift Card or Cash and a free spot in the Writers’

Mastermind for 3 months.

3rd prize – $25 Amazon Gift Card or Cash and a free spot in the Writers’

Mastermind for 1 month.

Contest Details

1. Open to writers of all levels and all fiction genres worldwide, excluding

children’s and erotica.

2. Short stories must be in English.

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3. Entry is free, and all rights to the short story remain the property of the


4. Stories must be from 1,000-5,000 words.

5. One entry is allowed per person.

6. Stories will be judged by an anonymous panel.

7. Top 5 entries will be published on our site and promoted on our social

media and email list.

8. Chapters and excerpts are not permitted. Complete short stories only.

9. Previously published stories are acceptable if author has rights to


10. Failure to meet requirements will result in disqualification.

11. Contest closes 9/01/2021

Send your short story as an attachment to submissions@


Please include: full name, title of story, genre word count

If you have any questions about this contest, email christa@


First Chapter Writing Contest

Frisco Public Library is holding its annual First Chapter Writing Contest through

July 31st. The winning entry will be professionally reviewed by Henery Press, a

local award-winning publishing company.

Contest Rules

1. Original unpublished works of 10 pages or less in English.

2. One entry per person.

3. Participants must be ages 18 and up.

4. Entrants must live in the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area.

5. Submissions must be double-spaced.

6. Font size should be 11 pt or larger.

7. All submitted files should use the following naming convention: 'Author

Last Name_Title'. If your work is currently untitled, please name the file

'Author Last Name_Untitled'.

8. For judging purposes, do not include the author's name on the 10 page

manuscript. (The author's name will be captured on the web form entry

and the file name should include the author's last name).

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9. There is no restriction on style or theme.

10. Submissions not in compliance with the rules are disqualified.

11. Submit your entry online by July 31, 2021.


Submission will be evaluated by a panel of judges.

Winners will be contacted in September.

Presentation Format for Members Wishing to

Present Work for Critique at Meeting

Word Length: 2, 500 words (longer permitted, but 2,500 for reading at our


Font Size: 12 points (to aid those with visional limitations)

Font Styles: Times New Roman, Arial (but not Comic Sans)

Spacing: Double spaced

Line Numbering

Please note: If you wish to receive feedback by email from the Write

Club members, please also add your email address at the top of the

first page.

Please email an electronic copy of your presentation to Fergal O’Donnell

(fergalod@hotmail.com) by the Saturday before the meeting. He will

email presentations to members prior to our meeting. You will send your

presentation to a different person as we switch to the new committee

group in August.

At the meeting, the presenter will be allowed twenty minutes. Many

choose to read their submission and devote the rest of the time to

comments from those attending.

Blogs from Our Members

John Alexander: www.alexandernovels.com/blog

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Fergal O’Donnell: https://proconnesus.com and

www.facebook.com/proconnesus (author blog)

Derek Blount: www.DerekBlount.com (author blog)

Carolyn Lis: www.NorthTexasRamblings.com (local sights and attractions)

Becky Michael: https://platformnumber4.com/ (author blog)

Linda Baten Johnson: www.lindabatenjohnson.com (includes Heirloom of

Faith Blog)

Jennifer Evans - Jennifer Evans - Professional Editing and Proofreading

(jmfeditor.com)Jennifer's services as a professional editor, her book, and

tips for writing

Morgan Kosinski - Blog – Makrosmic Morgan's blog with personal

essays, book reviews, erotic literature, and more

Rich Blazevich - Blog - Self Publishing Fast Lane Rich's blog with tips for

writing and self-publishing books

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Frisco Public Library · 6101 Frisco Square Blvd · Suite 3000 · Frisco, TX 75034 · USA